mercoledì 6 luglio 2011


Rustic dish, typical especially of the north-eastern regions of Italy, prepared with maize flour cooked in water for a long time inside a pot or saucepan and continually stirred up to make it consistent. Then it is poured on a wooden board or large flat dish  and eventually cut into slices.
It is possible to serve it with various seasonings: with tomato sauce, sausages, cheeses, etc.
Ingredients (for 6 persons)
For the “polenta”
  • 800 gr. fine-grained cornmeal
  • 3,7 litres of water
  • a handful of coarse salt
For sauce
  • 5 seasoned Italian sausages cut into small pieces
  • 2 Kg. of fresh or peeled tomatoes
  • 1 medium red onion, thinly sliced
  • 5 spoons of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 200 gr. of grated cheese
Bring the water to boil in large pot or saucepan
Pour the cornmeal in a thin stream into the boiling water and, whisking constantly, cook until it is thick
Continue cooking, stirring with a wooden spoon until the polenta is too thick to stir
Pour it out onto a wooden board or large plate
Heat the oil in a saucepan until it is smoking and add the sausage pieces, the tomatoes and the onion
Cook on a low flame for about 3 hours stirring from time to time with a wooden spoon 
Slice pieces of polenta off the board with a knife and place them on a board or plate with the tomato sauce and pieces of sausages
Alternate polenta and sauce and sprinkle with cheese

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