Within the project Comenius introduced by our School we have considered and examined, in the classes III, the theme of nutrition and the connected medical pathologies.
We have started from the principle that everybody should acquire ample and accurate information on the fundamental elements of a healthy and correct feeding and we teachers, at school, should teach our pupils how to respect such a principle. We have stressed the concept that every man is what he eats and that a suitable and right nutrition keeps the organism in good state of health. We know, in fact, that the substances contained in the different foods as nourishing principles are the same that make up our organism. Good nutrition involves consuming a variety of foods in appropriate amounts, even if our organism requires them in different measures according to age, sex, climate, altitude, height and weight of the person, desires, religion. No food provides all the substances the body needs (nutrients) for good health: protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, fibre and many others. Consuming enough water is also important. Water is necessary for all of the body's functions, including moving nutrients into cells and removing waste products from cells.
Economic factors are also important in order to know the value of foods and let us choose what costs less and contains the nutritional features we are looking for.
Good nutrition is necessary for keeping the body functioning normally, maintaining a healthy weight and preventing diseases. If diseases develop, good nutrition helps minimize their effects. A wrong nutrition often causes illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, anorexia, bulimia, cancer, etc. Unfortunately in Italy in the last years we have recorded an increase of some illnesses tied up to exaggerated nutrition. The most common of such diseases is obesity, frequently present in children who generally like to spend a lot of time in front of television and computer and contemporarily devour chips and popcorn. To this respect we have to consider that the obese individual as a child will have the same problem when he is adult.
So we should always provide a healthy, balanced diet and stay active. Anyway, the key to a healthy diet is not to ban or omit any food or food groups but to balance what we eat by consuming a variety of foods from each food group in the right proportions for good health.
A possible correct nutrition is given, according to many specialists, by the famous Mediterranean Diet, based on olive oil, blue fish, bread and integral pasta, fruit and vegetable for five portions a day. The vegetables, in particular, have to bring the necessary quantity of fibre, the raw part of food.
Here is a list of foods included in a Mediterranean Diet:
- fruits, vegetables, bread and other cereals (in high consumptions)
- pasta
- legumes; potatoes, peas and beans
- nuts and seeds
- olive oil, which is an important monounsaturated fat source.
- milk products
- fish and poultry (consumed from low to moderate amounts) and little red meat
- eggs (from zero to four times a week)
- wine (consumed from low to moderate amounts)
Guidelines for a healthy Italian nutrition
- The safety of your foods depends on you too!
- Check your weight and always keep you active!
- More cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit!
- Fats: choose the quality and limit the quantity!
- Sugars, sweets, sweetened drinks: right limits!
- Drink every day a lot of water!
- Alcoholic drinks: if yes, only in limited quantity!
- Salt? Little is better!
- Change your table choices frequently!
- Special suggestions for special people!
Meals in Italy
The distribution of nutritional energy during the day
The consumption of food in suitable quantity and proportions should be distributed in more phases during the day.
The prima colazione (breakfast) should be about 20% of the necessary total calories and may be made of milk and cereals, tea and biscuits, yougurth and fruit, etc. It is important, however, to consume the prima colazione sitting at table and quietly.
If the interval between breakfast and lunch is very long, we can eventually consume a small snack at mid-morning with a caloric contribution of 5% of the total daily calories.
Young people often don’t consume the prima colazione. The consequence is a decrease of mental concentration some time after awakening, followed by a strong feeling of hunger that often leads people to consume a very abundant lunch in a hurry. The typical drowsiness that follows the lunch causes a further diminution of attention in the early afternoon.
The customary consumption of the prima colazione is always recommended.
The pranzo or seconda colazione should give a quantity of calories equal to 35-40% of the total daily requirement. It should be eaten quietly and slowly in ordet to help the digestive process.
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